CSV to Municipal Candidates

 ↑  csv2municipalcandidates.awk

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from csv2municipalcandidates.awk

#! /bin/gawk -f

# Program   : csv2municipalcandidates.awk
# Purpose   : Generate copy'n'paste-able code for Poliblog's candidate lists for municipal elections
# Author    : Bob Jonkman bjonkman@sobac.com
# Date      : 2 July 2022
# Based on  : csv2municipalcandidates.awk (for provincial and federal elections with Offices)

# Copyright (c) 2020 Bob Jonkman and/or SOBAC Microcomputer Services

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Usage     : gawk -f csv2municipalcandidates.awk candidates.csv

# Records   : 1st line: Fields are headers <h1> to <h6>
#           : 2nd line: Field header names
#           : 3rd line to end: Data

# Fields    : Fieldnames with * are required, cannot be empty. Other fields appear only if not empty
#             Fieldnames with ! are used to group entries and are used for layout. Fieldnames with ! must exist, fields may be empty. Itemized in variable skipAttributes, used to skip in attribute lists
#             Fields are referenced by header name, the second line MUST be a field header line

#  Static Fields (must exist, if blank the entry is ignored):

#           1 Name
#           2 Office
#           3 Municipality

#                  Address     (single line monolithic, at the moment. May use sub-fields later)
#                  Website
#                  E mail
#                  Phone
#               "Twitter","Facebook","Instagram","YouTube","LinkedIn", &c.
#               (social media URLs) field numbers may vary  (will eventually be parsed for @Twitter and @instagram)

@include "library.awk"

function makeid(candidatenumber)
	return (valnameid(Candidates[candidatenumber]["Name"] "-" Candidates[candidatenumber]["Municipality"] "-" Candidates[candidatenumber]["Office"]))

	#	IFS = ","
	#	OFS = " "
	#	IGNORECASE = 1   # for sorting

	#	staticfields = 7
	#    Municipalities[0][0]=""  # Initialize 2D array

	## Special Purpose fields are ignored in the candidates' list of resources
	### Some are used for images, some for class names (CSS styling), some for page layout
	skipAttributes["Name"]=1                # Used for header, ID
	skipAttributes["Office"]=1              # Used for grouping, ID
	skipAttributes["Elect"]=1               # Additional info for Office
	skipAttributes["Municipality"]=1        # Used for grouping, ID
	skipAttributes["MunicipalityURL"]=1     # URL to municipal website
	skipAttributes["MunicipalityLogo"]=1    # URL to image
	skipAttributes["ImageURL"]=1            # URL to image
	skipAttributes["Address"]=1             # Used for OpenStreetMap lookup
	skipAttributes["Incumbent"]=1           # Class name (styling), indicator
            classarray["Incumbent"]=1		# for building the class= attribute
#       skipAttributes["Withdrawn"]=1		### Changed to include reason for withdrawal, eg. "Deceased"
	skipAttributes["Unregistered"]=1        # Class name (styling), indicator
#	skipAttributes["Elected"]=1             # Class name (styling), indicator ### Modified 2022-10-24 to show "Elected" or "Acclaimed"
        skipAttributes["candidateclass"]=1	# Used internally to transfer styling from table to candidate list


# Read the title and subtitle(s)
(NR == 1) {
	parsecsv($0, h)
} # (NR == 1)

# Read field headers
(NR == 2) {
	numfields = getheaders($0, headernums, headernames)
} # (NR == 2)

# Read rest of the file
(NR > 2) {
	numfields = parsecsv($0, inputarray)
	## Move input line to candidates record
	for (field = 1; field <= numfields; field++) {
		Candidates[NR][headernames[field]] = inputarray[field]
	## Populate Municipalities arrays
	if ("" != Candidates[NR]["Name"]) {
		MunicipalitiesURL[Candidates[NR]["Municipality"]] = Candidates[NR]["MunicipalityURL"]
		MunicipalitiesLogo[Candidates[NR]["Municipality"]] = Candidates[NR]["MunicipalityLogo"]
		## Populate Offices arrays
		Elect[Candidates[NR]["Office"],Candidates[NR]["Municipality"]] = Candidates[NR]["Elect"]	# Build an array of Offices, use "Elect" for later use

	}	# if ("" != Candidates[NR]["Name"]

# (NR > 2)


	printhtmlhead(h[1] " - " h[2], "noclose")
	print (" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../candidates.css\" type=\"text/css\" />")
	print ("</head>")
	print ("<!--")
	print ("This information is provided as-is. Data is public information and not subject to copyright.")
	print ("Images and logos are copyright and trademarked by their respective owners.")
	print ("Other material on this page is Copyright (c) " strftime("%Y") " by Bob Jonkman")
	print ("and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-only Share-Alike license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/")
	print ("-->")
	print ("<body>")
	print ("<div  id=\"top_of_page\" class=\"header\">")
	print (" <!--#include virtual=\"header.shtml\" -->")
	print ("</div> <!-- class=header -->")
	for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
		if ("" != h[i]) {
			print ("<h" i ">" makehtml(h[i]) "</h" i ">")
# Get Municipalities and Offices in alphabetical order
	numMunicipalities = asorti(Municipalities)

	numOffices = asorti(Offices)

	# Create table of Municipalities and Offices
	print (" <table")
        print ("  class=\"candidates\"")
	print (">")
	print ("  <thead>")
	print ("  <tr>")
	print ("    <th>&nbsp;</th>")
	for (Municipality = 1; Municipality <= numMunicipalities; Municipality++) {
		if ("" != Municipalities[Municipality]) {
			print ("      <th><a class=\"internal\" href=\"#" valnameid(Municipalities[Municipality]) "\" title=\"Jump to " Municipalities[Municipality] "\">" Municipalities[Municipality] "</a></th>")
		}		# if ("" == Municipalities[])
	}	# for Municipality in Municipalities[]
	print ("   </tr>")
	print ("  </thead>")
	print ("  <tbody>")
	for (Office = 1; Office <= numOffices; Office++) {

		if ("" != Offices[Office]) {
			print ("   <tr>")
			print ("    <th>" Offices[Office] "</th>")
			# list candidates for Municipality here
			for (Municipality = 1; Municipality <= numMunicipalities; Municipality++) {
				if ("" != Municipalities[Municipality]) {
					print "    <td>"
					for (Candidate in Candidates) {
						if ((Candidates[Candidate]["Municipality"] == Municipalities[Municipality]) && (Candidates[Candidate]["Office"] == Offices[Office])) {
						candidateclass = " "  # clear previous value, space to provide separator between existing class string

						# Construct a class for this candidate (used for styling)
					            for (classflag in classarray) {

							if ("" != Candidates[Candidate][classflag]) {
							    candidateclass = candidateclass " " tolower(classflag)
						    Candidates[Candidate]["candidateclass"] = candidateclass  # save for use in list of candidates

						    print "<a href=\"#" makeid(Candidate) "\" title=\"" Candidates[Candidate]["Name"] "\" class=\"internal " candidateclass " \" >" Candidates[Candidate]["Name"]
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Incumbent"]) {
							    print " (I)"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Unregistered"]) {
							    print " (Unregistered)"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Withdrawn"]) {
							    print " (" Candidates[Candidate]["Withdrawn"] ")"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Elected"]) {
							    print " (" Candidates[Candidate]["Elected"] ")"
							}							print "</a><br />"
						}						# if (candidate matches)
					}	# for (Candidate in Candidates)
					print ("    </td>")
				}				# if ("" != Municipalities[])
			}	# for (Municipality in Municipalities)
			print ("   </tr>")
		}		# if ("" != Offices[Office]["Name"])
	}	# for (Office in Offices)
	print ("  </tbody>")
	print (" </table>")

	# Create the list of candidates
	for (Municipality = 1; Municipality <= numMunicipalities; Municipality++) {

		if ("" != Municipalities[Municipality]) {
			print (" <h3 id=\"" valnameid(Municipalities[Municipality]) "\"><a href=\"#top_of_page\" title=\"Go to the top of this page\" class=\"internal navaid\">&thinsp;^&thinsp;</a> " Municipalities[Municipality])
			if ("" != MunicipalitiesURL[Municipalities[Municipality]]) {
				print ("  <a href=\"" MunicipalitiesURL[Municipalities[Municipality]] "\" title=\"Information about " Municipalities[Municipality] "\">")
				if ("" != MunicipalitiesLogo[Municipalities[Municipality]]) {
					print ("   <img class=\"icon\" src=\"" MunicipalitiesLogo[Municipalities[Municipality]] "\" alt=\"Municipality logo\" /> Info")
				} else {
					print ("Information about " Municipalities[Municipality] "")
				}	# if (Municpalities logo exists)
				print ("  </a>")
			}			# if (Municipalities URL exists)
			print (" </h3>")

### Construct an array of Candidates in Office so we avoid printing Offices with no candidates (or Offices that don't apply to a Muncipality)
#            for ( Candidate in Candidate ) {
#                if ( Candidates[Candidate]

			for (Office = 1; Office <= numOffices; Office++) {

                if ( CandidatesInOffice[Offices[Office],Municipalities[Municipality]] ) { # If there is at least one candidate running for this office
					print "<h4 id=\"" valnameid(Offices[Office] "-" Municipalities[Municipality]) "\">"
					print "<a href=\"#top_of_page\" title=\"Go to the top of this page\" class=\"internal navaid\">&thinsp;^&thinsp;</a> "
					print "    <a href=\"#" valnameid(Municipalities[Municipality]) "\" title=\"Up to the start of " Municipalities[Municipality] "\" class=\"internal navaid\">&thinsp;&uArr;&thinsp;</a> "
					print Offices[Office] " - " Municipalities[Municipality]
                    if ( Elect[Offices[Office],Municipalities[Municipality]] > 0 ) {
                        print "	: Elect " Elect[Offices[Office],Municipalities[Municipality]]
					} # if ( Elect > 0 )
					print "</h4>"
					print "<dl>"q
					for (Candidate in Candidates) {
						if (("" != Candidates[Candidate]["Name"]) && (Candidates[Candidate]["Municipality"] == Municipalities[Municipality]) && (Candidates[Candidate]["Office"] == Offices[Office])) {
							print " <dt id=\"" makeid(Candidate) "\" class=\"h-card\">"
							print "<a href=\"#top_of_page\" title=\"Go to the top of this page\" class=\"internal navaid\">&thinsp;^&thinsp;</a> "
						        print "<a href=\"#" valnameid(Municipalities[Municipality]) "\" title=\"Up to the start of " Municipalities[Municipality] "\" class=\"internal navaid\">&thinsp;&uArr;&thinsp;</a> "
							print "<a href=\"#" valnameid(Offices[Office] "-" Municipalities[Municipality]) "\" title=\"Up to " Offices[Office] " - " Municipalities[Municipality] "\" class=\"internal navaid\" >&thinsp;&uarr;&thinsp;</a> "
							print "<span class=\"" Candidates[Candidate]["candidateclass"] "\">"  Candidates[Candidate]["Name"]
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Unregistered"]) {
							    print " <strong>(Unregistered)</strong>"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Incumbent"]) {
							    print " <strong>(Incumbent)</strong>"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Elected"]) {
							    print " <strong>(" Candidates[Candidate]["Elected"]  ")</strong>"
							if (Candidates[Candidate]["Withdrawn"]) {
							    print " <strong>(" Candidates[Candidate]["Withdrawn"]  ")</strong>"
							print "</span>"

							print ("     <a href=\"#" makeid(Candidate) "\" title=\"Anchor link for " Candidates[Candidate]["Office"] " candidate in " Municipalities[Municipality] " \" class=\"internal\">&#x2693;</a>")

						    print "<a href=\"searchassistant.html#" makeid(Candidate) "\" title=\"Find this candidate on the Search Assistant\" class=\"right\">&#x1F50E;</a>"

							print " </dt>"
							print ("   <dd  class=\"h-card\">")
							print ("    <div class=\"aside\">")
							if ("" != Candidates[Candidate]["ImageURL"]) {
								if ("" != Candidates[Candidate]["Website"]) {
									### Ensure we only get the first URL when there are multiples
									split(Candidates[Candidate]["Website"], urls, " ")
									print ("<a  href=\"" urls[1] "\" title=\"" gettitle(urls[1]) "\">")
								}								# if ("" != Candidates[Website])
								print ("     <img src=\"" Candidates[Candidate]["ImageURL"] "\" alt=\"" Candidates[Candidate]["Name"] "\" />")
								if ("" != Candidates[Candidate]["Website"]) {
									print ("</a>")
								}								# if ( "" != Candidates[Website])
							} else {	# if ("" != Candidates[ImageURL])
								print ("     <p>No Image</p>")
							}	# if ("" != Candidates[ImageURL])
							print ("    </div> <!-- class=aside -->")
							print ("    <ul>")

### Print candidatae attributes
							for (Attribute in Candidates[Candidate]) {

								if (Attribute in skipAttributes) { # if Attribute is in skipAttributes
									continue	# don't list static attributes
								}	# if (Attribute ~ skipAttributes)
								if ("" != Candidates[Candidate][Attribute]) {
    								print "     <li><b>" Attribute "</b>: " makehtml(Candidates[Candidate][Attribute]) "</li>"
								} # if ("" != Candidates[Attribute])
							}	# (for Attribute in Candidates)

			if ("" != Candidates[Candidate]["Address"]) {
				### Automatically fetch OSM link
    			print ("     <li class=\"h-adr\"><b>Postal Address</b>:")

				### If we parse out address info
	    		###          print ("      <p style=\"margin-left:2em;\">")
			    ###          print("<!-- <span class=\"p-street-address\">XXXXXSTREETADDRESS</span>,<br /><span class=\"p-locality\">XXXXXLOCALITY</span>, <span class=\"p-region\">Ontario</span>,<br /><span class=\"p-country\">Canada</span>&emsp;<span class=\"p-postal-code\">XXXXXPOSTALCODE</span> -->") ;
                ###         print ("       </p>")

				### If we DON'T parse out address info (monolithic addresses)
				print ("      <span class=\"p-address\">" Candidates[Candidate]["Address"] "</span> <a class=\"map\" href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=" txt2uri(Candidates[Candidate]["Address"]) "\" title=\"OpenStreetMap: " Candidates[Candidate]["Address"] "\">Map</a>")
    			print ("     </li>")

							print "     </ul>"
							print ("    <br />")	# Ensure images don't extend beyond <dl> box
							print ("   </dd>")
							print ("")
						}						# if ("" != Candidates[Name])
					}	# for candidate in candidates
					print (" </dl>")
					print ("")
				}				# if ("" != Offices[])
            }  # if (CandidatesInOffice > 0 )
		}		# if ("" != Municipalities[[])
	}	# for (Municipality in Municipalities)
	print ("<div class=\"footer\">")
	print (" <!--#include virtual=\"footer.shtml\" -->")
	print (" <p class=\"bottom\">This page was last updated <span class=\"datetime\" title=\"" strftime("%FT%T%z") "\">" strftime("%A, %e %B %Y at %l:%M%P %Z") "</span></p>")
	print ("</div> <!-- class=footer -->")
	print ("</body>")
	print ("</html>")
	print ("")
} # END

# EOF: csv2municipalcandidates.awk


 ↑  csv2candidates-search.awk

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from csv2candidates-search.awk

#! /bin/gawk -f

# Program   :	csv2municipalcandidates-search.awk
# Purpose   :	Generate a table with links to simplify searching for missing data
# Author    :	Bob Jonkman bjonkman@sobac.com
# Date      :	15 August 2022
# Based on  :	csv2municipalcandidates.awk

# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Bob Jonkman and/or SOBAC Microcomputer Services

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Usage     :	gawk -f csv2municipalcandidates-search.awk candidates.csv

# Records   :	1st line: Fields are headers <h1> to <h6>
#           :	2nd line: Field header names
#           :	3rd line to end: Data

# Fields    :	Fieldnames with * are required, cannot be empty.
#                 Other fields appear only if not empty
#               Fieldnames with ! are used to group entries and are used for layout.
#                 Fieldnames with ! must exist, fields may be empty. Itemized in
#                 variable skipAttributes, used to skip in attribute lists
#             Fields are referenced by header name,
#                 the second line MUST be a field header line

#  Static Fields (must exist, if blank the entry is ignored):

#           1 Name

# Optional Static Fields (field must exist, but may be blank)
#                  Address     (single line monolithic, at the moment. May use sub-fields later)
#                  Website
#                  E mail
#                  Phone

# Dynamic Fields (field may or may not exist, and may be blank)
#               "Twitter","Facebook","Instagram","YouTube","LinkedIn", &c.
#               (social media URLs) field numbers may vary  (will eventually be parsed for @Twitter and @instagram)

@include "library.awk"

function makeid(candidatenumber)
	return (valnameid(inputarray[headernums["Name"]] "-" inputarray[headernums["Municipality"]] "-" inputarray[headernums["Office"]]))

function printURL(URL,LinkText,Class)
        print "<a href=\"" URL "\" title=\"Search: " LinkText "\" class=\"" Class "\" target=\"_blank\">" LinkText "</a>"

function printsearch(URL, LinkText)
{   if ( "" == inputarray[field] )

    print "<td>"
    print "</td>"

	#	IFS = ","
	#	OFS = " "
	#	IGNORE	case = 1   # for sorting

	#	staticfields = 7
	#    Municipalities[0][0]=""  # Initialize 2D array

	## Special Purpose fields are ignored in the candidates' list of resources
	### Some are used for images, some for class names (CSS styling), some for page layout
#	skipAttributes["Name"]=1                # Used for header, ID
	skipAttributes["Office"]=1              # Used for grouping, ID
	skipAttributes["Elect"]=1               # Additional info for Office
	skipAttributes["Municipality"]=1        # Used for grouping, ID
	skipAttributes["MunicipalityURL"]=1     # URL to municipal website
	skipAttributes["MunicipalityLogo"]=1    # URL to image
	skipAttributes["Riding"]=1              # Riding name
	skipAttributes["RidingURL"]=1           # URL to Elections Canada/Ontario website
	skipAttributes["RidingLogo"]=1          # URL to Elections Canada/Ontario logo
	skipAttributes["Party"]=1               # Party Name
  skipAttributes["PartyURL"]=1            # URL to Party URL
	skipAttributes["PartyLogo"]=1           # URL to Party logo
	skipAttributes["ImageURL"]=1            # URL to candidate image
	skipAttributes["Incumbent"]=1           # Class name (styling), indicator
	skipAttributes["Unregistered"]=1        # Class name (styling), indicator
	skipAttributes["Elected"]=1             # Class name (styling), indicator
	skipAttributes["Address"]=1             # Used for OpenStreetMap lookup

### Things to not search for
	skipAttributes["Website"]=1 # (maybe a general websearch, later)

    # Write the headers and table start up front
    Title = "Search for Missing Candidate Data"
    LINKREL[1]="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/candidates.css\" type=\"text/css\" />"
		LINKREL[2]="<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"https://poliblog.jonkman.ca/blogs/pollywog-32x32b.jpg\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />"


    print "<body>"q
    print " <h1>" Title "</h1>"
    print "  <p>Filename: " txt2html(ARGV[1]) "<br />"
    print "    Date: "
    system("stat -c %y " ARGV[1] )
    print "<br />Generated: " strftime("%FT%T") "</p>"

    print " <table borders=\"1\" caption=\"" Title "\">"

# Read the title and subtitle(s)
(NR == 1) {  # ignore the first line for searching


# (NR == 1)

# Read field headers
(NR == 2) {
	numfields = getheaders($0, headernums, headernames)
	print "  <thead>"
    print "   <tr>"

    for (field=1 ; field <= numfields ; field++) {
        if ( skipAttributes[headernames[field]] )
            continue;   # skip unwanted headers
        print "    <th>" headernames[field] "</th>"

    print "   </tr>"
    print "  </thead>"
    print "  <tbody>" # gotta put this somewhere...
} # (NR == 2)

# Read rest of the file
(NR > 2) {
	numfields = parsecsv($0, inputarray)

	# If name is blank then advance to next record
	if ( ! inputarray[headernums["Name"]] ) {

    print "   <tr>"

    for (field=1 ; field <= numfields ; field++) {
        if ( ! skipAttributes[headernames[field]] )
          switch (headernames[field]) {
        	case "Name" :
				print "    <td id=\"" makeid(Candidate) "\">"
				print "<a href=\"index.html#" makeid(Candidate) "\" title=\"Main entry for " inputarray[field] " - " inputarray[headernums["Office"]] " - " inputarray[headernums["Municipality"]] " \" class=\"right\">&oplus;</a>"
				print "<a href=\"https://www.google.com/search?q=%22" inputarray[field] "%22 " inputarray[headernums["Office"]] " " inputarray[headernums["Municipality"]] "\" title=\"Google search\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>" inputarray[field] "</strong><br />" inputarray[headernums["Office"]] "<br />" inputarray[headernums["Municipality"]] "</a> "
				print "<a href=\"#" makeid(Candidate) "\" title=\"Search Assistant Anchor for " inputarray[field] " - " inputarray[headernums["Office"]] " - " inputarray[headernums["Municipality"]] "\" class=\"right internal\">&#x2693;</a>"

				if (inputarray[headernums["Website"]]) {
				    numWebs = split(inputarray[headernums["Website"]],Webs," ")
				    for (num in Webs)
				        print "<a href=\"" Webs[num] "\"  title=\"Go to: " Webs[num] "\" class=\"right\" target=\"_blank\">&#x1D54E;</a> "
				print "</td>"

            case "Phone" : {
                print "<td class=\"phone\">"
                numPhones = split(inputarray[field],Phones," ")
                for (num in Phones) {
                    Phone = substr(Phones[num],index(Phones[num],"-")+1)
                    printURL("https://www.google.com/search?q=" Phone, Phone)
                    print "<br />"
                print "</td>"

            case "Email" : {
                print "<td class=\"email\">"
                numEmails = split(inputarray[field],Emails," ")
                for (num in Emails) {
                    print "<a href=\"https://www.google.com/search?q=" txt2uri("\"" Emails[num] "\"") "\" title=\"Search: " Emails[num] "\" target=\"_blank\">&#x1D544;</a> "
                print "</td>"

			case "Twitter" :
				printsearch("https://twitter.com/search?src=typed_query&amp;f=user&amp;q=" txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Twitter")

			case "Facebook" :
				printsearch("https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Facebook")

			case "LinkedIn" :
				printsearch("https://linkedin.com/search/results/people/?keywords="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "LinkedIn")

			case "YouTube" :
				printsearch("https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=EgIQAg%253D%253D&amp;search_query="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "YouTube")

			case "Instagram" :
				printsearch("https://www.instagram.com/explore/search/keyword/?q="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Instagram")

			case "Pinterest" :
				printsearch("https://www.pinterest.ca/search/pins/?q=" txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Pinterest")

			case "Flickr" :
				printsearch("https://www.flickr.com/search/people/?username="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Flickr")

			case "Tumblr" :
				printsearch("https://www.tumblr.com/search/"  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Tumblr")

			case "MySpace" :
				printsearch("https://myspace.com/search/people?q="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "MySpace")

			case "TikTok" :
				printsearch("https://www.tiktok.com/search/user?q="  txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "TikTok")

			case "Twitch" :
				printsearch("https://www.twitch.tv/search?term=" txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Twitch")

			case "Reddit" :
				printsearch("https://www.reddit.com/search/?type=user&amp;q=" txt2uri(inputarray[headernums["Name"]]), "Reddit")

			default :
			    print "<!-- default blank -->"

        }  # switch (headernames[field])
    }  # for fields

    print "   </tr>"

} # (NR > 2)

END {   print "  </tbody>"
        print " </table>"
        print " <div class=\"footer\">"
        print (" <!--#include virtual=\"footer.shtml\" -->")
    	print (" <p class=\"bottom\">This page was last updated <span class=\"datetime\" /title=\"" strftime("%FT%T%z") "\">" strftime("%A, %e %B %Y at %l:%M%P %Z") "</span></p>")
    	print (" </div> <!-- class=footer -->")
    	print ("</body>")
    	print ("</html>")
    	print ("")

# EOF: csv2candidates-search.awk


 ↑  /home/bjonkman/bin/awk/library.awk

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from /home/bjonkman/bin/awk/library.awk

# Program   : LIBRARY.AWK
# Purpose   : Contains functions common to many AWK scripts
# Author    : Bob Jonkman <bjonkman@sobac.com>

# Copyright 2008 Bob Jonkman and/or SOBAC Microcomputer Services

#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Date      : 19 July 2005

# Contents  :
#             rstring()         - Returns the right-most n characters of string
#             max()             - Maximum of items in list
#             min()             - Minimum of items in list
#             trim()            - Trim whitespace from both ends of a string
#             ltrim()           - Trim whitespace from beginning (left side) of a string
#             rtrim()           - Trim whitespace from end (right side) of a string
#             gwid2smtp()       - escape reserved SMTP characters in GW Object
#                           see http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw55/index.html?page=/documentation/gw55/gw55ia/data/a30135u.html#a30135u
#             smtp2gwid()       - un-escape
#             reverse()         - reverse order of delimited string, eg. a.b.c -> c_b_a
#             txt2html()        - escape reserved HTML characters
#             txt2xml()         - escape reserved XML characters
#             html2txt()        - restore reserved HTML characters
#             txt2uri()         - escape reserved URI characters
#             uri2txt()         - restore reserved URI characters
#             makehtml()        - Create href links (http:// file:// mailto:) from text  (maito: was microformatted with class="vcard" on 2006-08-04)
#             parsecsv()        - Split Comma-Quote fields in string into an array
#             printcsv()        - Determine whether to print a field with delimiters
#             valnameid()       - Validate Name and ID token names (see http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-id )
#             printhtmlhead()   - print headers for an HTML file
#             parsecgi()        - Parse QUERY_STRING or POST data into an array
#             txt2gwapi()       - escape reserved characters in GW API files
#                           (see pg 42,43 "Keyword Ordering Requirements and Delimiters" in GroupWise API Gateway documentation)
#             getheaders()      - Create reverse lookup array for input string
#             printarray()      - Print all elements of an array (for debugging, mostly)  Added 2022-05-01
#             gettitle()        - Get a title attribute from web page (stub added 2022-05-01)

function rstring(string,n)    {     #  Returns the right-most n characters of string

function max(a,b)   {   return(( a > b ) ? a : b)

function min(a,b)   {   return(( a < b ) ? a : b)

function trim(string)   {
                            string = rtrim(string) ;
                            string = ltrim(string) ;
                            return(string) ;

##### End trim #####

# trim left-side whitespace
function ltrim(string)	{   gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", string)
##### End ltrim #####

# trim right-side whitespace
function rtrim(string)  {   gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", string)

##### End rtrim #####

function gwid2smtp(text,   smtptext)   # Perform GroupWise character translation
# http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw55/index.html?page=/documentation/gw55/gw55ia/data/a30135u.html#a30135u
                 smtptext = text ;
                 gsub(/#/   ,"#h#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/_/   ,"#u#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/ /   ,"_"  ,smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/\(/  ,"#l#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/)/   ,"#r#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/,/   ,"#m#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/:/   ,"#c#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/\\/  ,"#b#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/=/   ,"#e#",smtptext) ;
                 gsub(/\//  ,"#s#",smtptext) ;

                 return(smtptext) ;

##### End gwid2smpt #####

function smtp2gwid(text,   gwidtext)
             gwidtext = text ;
             gsub(/#s#/,"/" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#e#/,"=" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#c#/,":" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#m#/,"," ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#r#/,")" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#l#/,"(" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/_/  ," " ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#u#/,"_" ,gwidtext);
             gsub(/#h#/,"#" ,gwidtext);
             return(gwidtext) ;

##### End smtp2gwid #####

function reverse(instring,inseparator,outseparator,       numelements,array,i,outstring)
            numelements = split(instring, array, inseparator);
            outstring = array[numelements];
            for (i=numelements-1; i>0; i--)
                outstring = outstring outseparator array[i];
            return outstring;

##### End reverse #####

function txt2html(text,   htmltext)
            htmltext = text ;
            gsub(/&/  , "\\&amp;"  ,htmltext)
            gsub(/>/   , "\\&gt;"   ,htmltext)
            gsub(/</   , "\\&lt;"   ,htmltext)
            gsub(/"/   , "\\&quot;" ,htmltext)
            gsub(/'/   , "\\&#39;"  ,htmltext) # ' or tick appears to be invalid in XML UTF-8 documents, substitute numeric entity
            gsub(/\x91/, "\\&lsquo;",htmltext) # &lsquo; left-single-quote or backtick becomes tick
            gsub(/\x92/, "\\&rsquo;",htmltext) # &rsquo; right-single-quote becomes tick
            gsub(/\x93/, "\\&ldquo;",htmltext) # &ldquo; left-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/\x94/, "\\&rdquo;",htmltext) # &rdquo; right-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/\x95/, "\\&ndash" ,htmltext) # &ndash; N-dash becomes hyphen (for XML)
            gsub(/\x96/, "\\&mdash" ,htmltext) # &mdash; EM Dash becomes two hyphens

# print("\n##### DEBUG ##### txt2html: text=" text "; htmltext=" htmltext "\n")

        ##### DEBUG #####    gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \!\#\$\%\&\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\=\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\n\t]/,"",htmltext) # remove all other non-ascii characters

            return(htmltext) ;

##### End txt2html #####

function txt2xml(text,   xmltext)   # converts plain text or HTML to XML
            xmltext = text ;
            gsub(/&/     , "\\&amp;"  ,xmltext)
            gsub(/>/      , "\\&gt;"   ,xmltext)
            gsub(/</      , "\\&lt;"   ,xmltext)
            gsub(/"/      , "\\&quot;" ,xmltext)
            gsub(/'/      , "\\&#39;"  ,xmltext) # ' or tick appears to be invalid in XML UTF-8 documents, substitute numeric entity
            gsub(/\x91/   , "\\&#39;"  ,xmltext) #  left-single-quote or backtick becomes tick
            gsub(/&lsquo;/, "\\&#39;"  ,xmltext) # &lsquo; left-single-quote  becomes tick
            gsub(/\x92/   , "\\&#39;"  ,xmltext) # &rsquo; right-single-quote becomes tick
            gsub(/&rsquo;/, "\\&#39;"  ,xmltext) #         right-single-quote becomes tick
            gsub(/\x93/   , "\\&quot;" ,xmltext) # &ldquo; left-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/&ldquo;/, "\\&quot;" ,xmltext) #         left-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/\x94/   , "\\&quot;" ,xmltext) # &rdquo; right-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/&rdquo;/, "\\&quot;" ,xmltext) #         right-double-quote becomes double-quote
            gsub(/\x95/   , "-"        ,xmltext) # &ndash; N-dash becomes hyphen (for XML)
            gsub(/&ndash;/, "-"        ,xmltext) # &ndash; N-dash becomes hyphen (for XML)
            gsub(/--/     , "\\&#43;\\&#43;" ,xmltext) # two hyphens are invalid inside comments <!-- -->
            gsub(/\x96/   , "\\&#43;\\&#43;" ,xmltext) # &mdash; EM Dash becomes two hyphens
            gsub(/&mdash;/, "\\&#43;\\&#43;" ,xmltext) # &mdash; EM Dash becomes two hyphens

        ##### DEBUG #####            gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \!\#\$\%\&\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\=\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\n\t]/,"",xmltext) # remove all other non-ascii characters

            return(xmltext) ;

function html2txt(htmltext,   text)
            text = htmltext ;
            gsub(/&#8211;/ , "-"   , text)
            gsub(/&ndash;/ , "-"   , text)
            gsub(/&#8212;/ , "--"  , text)
            gsub(/&mdash;/ , "--"  , text)
            gsub(/&#8216;/ , "'"   , text) # left-single-quote value
            gsub(/&lsquo;/ , "'"   , text) # left-single-quote entity
            gsub(/&#8217;/ , "'"   , text) # right-single-quote value
            gsub(/&rsquo;/ , "'"   , text) # right-single-quote entity
            gsub(/&#8220;/ , "\""  , text) # left-double-quote value
            gsub(/&ldquo;/ , "\""  , text) # left-double-quote entity
            gsub(/&#8221;/ , "\""  , text) # right-double-quote value
            gsub(/&rdquo;/ , "\""  , text) # right-double-quote entity
            gsub(/&#39;/   , "'"   , text) # apostrophe or tick '
            gsub(/&apos;/  , "'"   , text) # apostrophe entity
            gsub(/&quot;/  , "\""  , text)
            gsub(/&nbsp;/  , " "   , text)
            gsub(/&lt;/    , "<"   , text)
            gsub(/&gt;/    , ">"   , text)
            gsub(/&amp;/   , "\\&" , text)

            return(text) ;

##### End html2txt #####

function txt2uri(text,   uritext)   # see RFC3986 (STD0066) section 2.2
            uritext = text ;
            gsub(/%/   ,"%25",uritext)
            gsub(/ /   ,"%20",uritext)
            gsub(/:/   ,"%3A",uritext)
            gsub(/\//  ,"%2F",uritext)
            gsub(/\?/  ,"%3F",uritext)
            gsub(/#/   ,"%23",uritext)
            gsub(/\[/  ,"%5B",uritext)
            gsub(/]/   ,"%5D",uritext)
            gsub(/@/   ,"%40",uritext)
            gsub(/!/   ,"%21",uritext)
            gsub(/\$/  ,"%24",uritext)
            gsub(/&/   ,"%26",uritext)
            gsub(/'/   ,"%27",uritext)
            gsub(/\(/  ,"%28",uritext)
            gsub(/)/   ,"%29",uritext)
            gsub(/\*/  ,"%2A",uritext)
            gsub(/\+/  ,"%2B",uritext)
            gsub(/,/   ,"%2C",uritext)
            gsub(/;/   ,"%3B",uritext)
            gsub(/=/   ,"%3D",uritext)
            gsub(/\|/  ,"%7C",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/~/   ,"%7E",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/\^/  ,"%5E",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/`/   ,"%60",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/\{/  ,"%7B",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/\}/  ,"%7D",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/"/   ,"%22",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/</   ,"%3C",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/>/   ,"%3E",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)
            gsub(/\\/  ,"%5C",uritext)  # Not part of RFC3986 (I think)

            return(uritext) ;
##### End txt2uri #####

function uri2txt(uri,  text)
            text = uri
            gsub(/%20/," "      ,text)
            gsub(/%3A/,":"      ,text)
            gsub(/%2F/,"/"      ,text)
            gsub(/%3F/,"?"      ,text)
            gsub(/%23/,"#"      ,text)
            gsub(/%5B/,"["      ,text)
            gsub(/%5D/,"]"      ,text)
            gsub(/%40/,"@"      ,text)
            gsub(/%21/,"!"      ,text)
            gsub(/%24/,"$"      ,text)
            gsub(/%26/,"\\&"    ,text) # unescaped '&' would indicate "replacement text"
            gsub(/%27/,"'"      ,text)
            gsub(/%28/,"("      ,text)
            gsub(/%29/,")"      ,text)
            gsub(/%2A/,"*"      ,text)
            gsub(/%2B/,"+"      ,text)
            gsub(/%2C/,","      ,text)
            gsub(/%3B/,";"      ,text)
            gsub(/%3D/,"="      ,text)
            gsub(/%7C/,"|"      ,text)
            gsub(/%7E/,"~"      ,text)
            gsub(/%5E/,"^"      ,text)
            gsub(/%60/,"`"      ,text)
            gsub(/%7B/,"{"      ,text)
            gsub(/%7D/,"}"      ,text)
            gsub(/%22/,"\""     ,text)
            gsub(/%3C/,"<"      ,text)
            gsub(/%3E/,">"      ,text)
            gsub(/%0D%0A/,"\\n" ,text)

            gsub(/%5C/,"\\"     ,text)   # not part of RFC3986 ?

            gsub(/%25/,"%"     ,text)

function makehtml(string,   numurls,i,htmlstring,path,gwiduri,outstring)
            numurls = split(string, urls, " ") #split string into urls on space. If a URL is meant to include a space then the input string must substitute '+'
            for (i=1; i<=numurls; i++)
              if(substr(urls[i],1,2) == "\\\\")
                      path = urls[i] ;
                      gsub(/\\\\/,"/",path) ;
                      htmlstring = "<a href=\"file:///" txt2uri(path) "\">" txt2html(urls[i]) "</a>" ;
              else if(tolower(substr(urls[i],1,7)) == "http://")  # If the string starts with http:// then assume it is already txt2uri converted
                      htmlstring = "<a href=\"http://" substr(urls[i],8) "\" title=\"" gettitle(urls[i]) "\">" txt2html(urls[i]) "</a>"
              else if(tolower(substr(urls[i],1,8)) == "https://")  # If the string starts with https:// then assume it is already txt2uri converted
                      htmlstring = "<a href=\"https://" substr(urls[i],9) "\" title=\"" gettitle(urls[i]) "\">" txt2html(urls[i]) "</a>"
              else if(tolower(substr(urls[i],1,2)) == "//")  # If the string starts with // then assume it is already txt2uri converted
                      htmlstring = "<a href=\"//" substr(urls[i],3) "\" title=\"" gettitle(urls[i]) "\">" txt2html(urls[i]) "</a>"
              else if(atpos=index(urls[i], "@"))
                    htmlstring = "<span class=\"vcard\"><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:" txt2uri(urls[i]) "\" title=\"E-mail to " txt2html(urls[i]) "\">" txt2html(urls[i]) "</a>" ;    # E-mail address is not cleaned with txt2uri() so @ stays as symbol. But txt2uri() may be necessary!
#                      if ((substr(urls[i],atpos+1) == "sobac.com") && !NOEGUIDE)
#                      {   gwiduri = txt2uri(smtp2gwid(substr(urls[i],1,atpos-1))) ;
#                          htmlstring = htmlstring " <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://eguide.sobac.com/eGuide/servlet/eGuide?Action=Detail.get&amp;User.dn=cn%3d" gwiduri "%2cou%3dStaff%2co%3dsobac&amp;Directory.uid=Staff\" title=\"Look up " gwiduri " in eGuide Staff Container\" target=\"ldap\">S</a>"
#                          htmlstring = htmlstring " <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://eguide.sobac.com/eGuide/servlet/eGuide?Action=Detail.get&amp;User.dn=cn%3d" gwiduri "%2cou%3dNon%2dStaff%2co%3dsobac&amp;Directory.uid=Non_Staff\" title=\"Look up " gwiduri " in eGuide Non-Staff Container\" target=\"ldap\">N</a>"
#                      }
                    htmlstring = htmlstring "</span>"
              else if( (tolower(substr(urls[i],1,4)) == "tel:" ) || (substr(urls[i],1,1) == "+") )
                if (tolower(substr(urls[i],1,4)) == "tel:" )
#	print ("<!-- #####DEBUG##### i=" i " ; urls[i]=" urls[i] " ; tolower(substr(urls[i],1,4))=" tolower(substr(urls[i],1,4)) " -->")
                    urls[i] = substr(urls[i],5) # strip out "tel:"
                htmlstring = "<span class=\"vcard h-card\"><a class=\"p-tel\" href=\"tel:" urls[i] "\" title=\"Phone this number\">" urls[i] "</a></span>" ;
              else htmlstring = txt2html(urls[i]) ;
              outstring = outstring " " htmlstring  # Concatenate to outstring separated by spaces

            } # for i<=numurls
            return(trim(outstring)) ;   # Concatenation above prepends an extra space, so trim it

##### End makehtml #####

function parsecsv(rawfield,fieldarray,    fieldnum,qflag,i,char)

# Note that parsecsv() does not currently handle embedded CRLF
#       eg. "data","data<CRLF>data","data"

		delete fieldarray ;
		qflag = 0 ;				# TRUE if inside field delimiters
		fieldnum = 1 ;

            FIELD_SEPARATOR = "," ;

            FIELD_DELIMITER = "\"" ;

		for(i=1; i <= length(rawfield); i++)
		{   char     = substr(rawfield,i,1)

			if (char == FIELD_DELIMITER)
                if (substr(rawfield,i+1,1) == FIELD_DELIMITER)  # check for two adjacent field delimiters; treat as one character
                    i++     # skip over the next character, and add the delimiter to the output string
                    fieldarray[fieldnum] = fieldarray[fieldnum] FIELD_DELIMITER
    				qflag = !qflag;

			else if (char == FIELD_SEPARATOR)
			{	if (qflag)
					fieldarray[fieldnum] = fieldarray[fieldnum] FIELD_SEPARATOR ;

					fieldnum++ ;


			{	fieldarray[fieldnum] = fieldarray[fieldnum] char ;



#####  End of parsecsv() #####

function printcsv(field)    # Determine whether to print a field with delimiters
            FIELD_SEPARATOR = "," ;

            FIELD_DELIMITER = "\"" ;

# Double field delimiters to escape them

# Apply field delimiters when field separator is in field
        if (field ~ FIELD_SEPARATOR)
            field = FIELD_DELIMITER field FIELD_DELIMITER

function valnameid(text,   valtext)     # Validate NAME and ID token names
        valtext = text
        gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9\-_:\.]/, "_", valtext)
        if(substr(valtext,1,1) !~ /[A-Za-z]/)
            valtext = "a" valtext  # Prepend an 'a'

##### End of valnameid() #####

function printhtmlhead(title,noclosetag)
#            print ("<!-- #####DEBUG##### title=" title " -->")
#            print ("<!-- #####DEBUG##### noclosetag=" noclosetag " -->")

            if (!QUOTE)
                QUOTE = "\""

            if ((ENVIRON["REQUEST_METHOD"]) && (!NOHTTP))		# If this is a CGI request and NOHTTP has not been specified
                print("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n")	# ...then print HTTP header

### xml directives are not supported in HTML5
#            print("<?xml version=" QUOTE "1.0" QUOTE " encoding=" QUOTE "utf-8" QUOTE "?>") ;

### Removed XHTML Strict --Bob 2022-05-06
#            print("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " QUOTE "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" QUOTE ) ;
#            print("    " QUOTE "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd" QUOTE ">") ;
#            print("<html xmlns=" QUOTE "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" QUOTE ) ;
#            print("      xml:lang=" QUOTE "en" QUOTE ) ;
#            print("      lang=" QUOTE "en" QUOTE ">") ;

### Added HTML5 header --Bob 2022-05-06
            print("<!DOCTYPE html>")
            print("<html lang=\"en\">")

            print(" <head>") ;
            print("  <meta http-equiv=" QUOTE "Content-Type" QUOTE ) ;
            print("           content=" QUOTE "text/html;charset=utf-8" QUOTE " />") ;
            print("  <link rel=" QUOTE "stylesheet" QUOTE ) ;
            print("        href=" QUOTE "/default.css" QUOTE ) ;
            print("        type=" QUOTE "text/css" QUOTE " />") ;

            for(i in LINKREL)
                print("  " LINKREL[i])

            print("  <meta name=" QUOTE "generator" QUOTE ) ;
            print("        content=" QUOTE "AWK tools for HTML by Bob Jonkman" QUOTE " />") ;
            print("  <meta name=" QUOTE "author" QUOTE ) ;
            print("        content=" QUOTE "Bob Jonkman  bjonkman@sobac.com;" QUOTE " />") ;
            print("  <meta name=" QUOTE "description" QUOTE ) ;
            print("        content=" QUOTE "Datetime: " strftime("%FT%T") )
            print("                " txt2html(title) QUOTE " />" )
            print("  <title>" txt2html(title) "</title>") ;

            if ("" == noclosetag) { # Suppress close tag if requested
                print (" </head>")

##### End of printhtmlhead() #####

function parsecgi(inputstring,outputarray,     querystring,paramstring,numparam)
    {   delete querystring
        delete outputarray

        numparam = split(inputstring,querystring,"&")

        for(i in querystring)

            gsub(/\+/," ",querystring[i])            # remove + as space substitute


# allow multi-value parameters, separate with FS
            if (outputarray[uri2txt(paramstring[1])])
                outputarray[uri2txt(paramstring[1])] = outputarray[uri2txt(paramstring[1])] FS uri2txt(paramstring[2]) ;
                numparam-- ;
                outputarray[uri2txt(paramstring[1])] = uri2txt(paramstring[2]) ;


##### End of parsecgi() #####

function txt2gwapi(text)
        gsub(/;/  ,"\\;"  , text)    # escape semicolon to backslash semicolon
        gsub(/"/ , "\\\"", text)    # escape unpaired double quote to backslash unpaired double quote

##### End of txt2gwapi()

# Results of getheaders("Alpha,Beta,Gamma",namearray,numberarray)
#                           namearray["Alpha"] == 1
#                           namearray["Beta"]  == 2
#                           namearray["Gamma"] == 3
#                           numberarray[1] == "Alpha"
#                           numberarray[2] == "Beta"
#                           numberarray[3] == "Gamma"

function    getheaders(instring,namearray,numberarray,   numfields,i)    {
                    numfields = parsecsv(instring,numberarray)
                    for(i=1; i<=numfields; i++)
                        namearray[numberarray[i]] = i ;

##### End of getheaders()

function printarray(arrayname, name, i)
    	if (isarray(arrayname)) {
    	    print "Array:"
        	for (name in arrayname) {
        	    if (isarray(arrayname[name])) {
        	        print "\nBegin Subarray"
        	        print "End Subarray\n"

        	    } else {
	            	print i++ " name=" name " arrayname[name]=" arrayname[name]
	            } # if(isarray(arrayname[name]))
	        } # for (name in arrayname)
	    } else {    # not an array
	        print "Scalar: " arrayname
	    } # if(isarray(arrayname))

		return i

##### End of printarray()

function gettitle(url)
{   return(txt2html(url))   # It's just a stub for now



 ↑  makefile

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from makefile

# Program	: makefile
# Purpose	: To re-create the files
# Author	: Bob Jonkman  bjonkman@sobac.com
# Date		: 5 August 2022

.PHONY : all
all : csv2municipalcandidates.awk csv2municipalcandidates.html \
		  csv2candidates-search.awk \
		  csv2candidates.awk csv2candidates.html \
      candidates.css \

### Municipal

csv2municipalcandidates.awk : csv2municipalcandidates-DEBUG.awk
	grep -v "#####DEBUG#####" csv2municipalcandidates-DEBUG.awk > csv2municipalcandidates.awk

csv2municipalcandidates.html : csv2municipalcandidates.awk csv2candidates-search.awk makefile */makefile
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/code2html.awk -v LINK=1 -v TITLE="CSV to Municipal Candidates" \
	csv2municipalcandidates.awk \
	csv2candidates-search.awk \
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/library.awk \
	makefile \
	*/makefile > csv2municipalcandidates.html

### Federal/Provincial

csv2candidates.awk : csv2candidates-DEBUG.awk
	grep -v "#####DEBUG#####" csv2candidates-DEBUG.awk > csv2candidates.awk

csv2candidates.html : csv2candidates.awk csv2candidates-search.awk makefile */makefile
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/code2html.awk -v LINK=1 -v TITLE="CSV to Candidates (Federal or Provincial)" \
	csv2candidates.awk \
	csv2candidates-search.awk \
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/library.awk \
	makefile \
	*/makefile > csv2candidates.html

### Everything

csv2candidates-search.awk : csv2candidates-search-DEBUG.awk
	grep -v "#####DEBUG#####" csv2candidates-search-DEBUG.awk > csv2candidates-search.awk

.PHONY : rsync
rsync  :
	rsync -av csv2*candidates.html irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/ ; \
        rsync -av candidates.css       irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/

# EOF: makefile


 ↑  2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/makefile

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from 2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/makefile

# File		: makefile
# Purpose	: csv2municipalcandidates - Re-run various scripts when updates are made
# Author	: Bob Jonkman
# Date		: 30 July 2022

.PHONY : all
all : 2022-Municipal.ods 2022-Municipal.csv index.html Municipality.html searchassistant.html rsync

2022-Municipal.ods : /home/bjonkman/mount/nextcloud/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.ods
	cp -pv /home/bjonkman/mount/nextcloud/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.ods /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/

index.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.csv /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates.awk
	/home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates.awk /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/index.html

2022-Municipal.csv : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.ods
	soffice --convert-to "csv" /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.ods

Municipality.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/Municipality.csv
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/csv2html.awk -v TITLE="Municipalities, URLs and Logos" /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/Municipality.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/Municipality.html

searchassistant.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.csv /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates-search.awk
	/home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates-search.awk /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/2022-Municipal.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/searchassistant.html

.PHONY : rsync
rsync :
	rsync -av --delete /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/		 irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/2022-10-24-Municipal-Election/
	rsync -av --delete /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/images/ irving://home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/images/

# EOF: makefile


 ↑  2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/makefile

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from 2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/makefile

# File		: makefile
# Purpose	: csv2municipalcandidates - Re-run various scripts when updates are made
# Author	: Bob Jonkman
# Date		: 30 July 2022
# Modified: 1 November 2023

.PHONY : all
all : candidates.ods candidates.csv index.html Municipalities.html searchassistant.html rsync

index.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.csv /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates.awk
	/home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2municipalcandidates.awk /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/index.html

candidates.csv : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.ods
	soffice --convert-to "csv" /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.ods

Municipalities.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/Municipalities.csv
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/csv2html.awk -v TITLE="Municipalities, URLs and Logos" /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/Municipalities.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/Municipalities.html

searchassistant.html : /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.csv /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2candidates-search.awk
	/home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/csv2candidates-search.awk /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/candidates.csv > /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/searchassistant.html

.PHONY : rsync
rsync :
	rsync -av --delete /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/		 irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/2023-11-13-Cambridge-Ward01-Byelection/
	rsync -av --delete /home/bjonkman/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/images/ irving://home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/images/

# EOF: makefile


 ↑  2023-Provincial-Byelection-Kitchener/makefile

Generated on Sun, 12 Nov 2023 05:13:31 -0500 from 2023-Provincial-Byelection-Kitchener/makefile

# File		: makefile
# Purpose	: Update 2023 Kitchener Centre Byelection candidates - Re-run various scripts when updates are made
# Author	: Bob Jonkman
# Date		: 30 October 2023

.PHONY : all
all : candidates.ods candidates.csv index.html Parties-Ridings.html searchassistant.html rsync

#  candidates.ods : /home/bjonkman/mount/nextcloud/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-Provincial-Byelection-Kitchener/candidates.ods
#	cp -pv /home/bjonkman/mount/nextcloud/Documents/Websites/PoliBlog/2023-Provincial-Byelection-Kitchener/candidates.ods

index.html : candidates.csv ../csv2candidates.awk
	../csv2candidates.awk candidates.csv > index.html

candidates.csv : candidates.ods
	soffice --convert-to "csv" candidates.ods

Parties-Ridings.html : Parties.csv Ridings.csv  ReservedParties.csv UnregisteredParties.csv
	/home/bjonkman/bin/awk/csv2html.awk -v TITLE="Parties and Ridings" -v LINK=1 -v SORTABLE=1 Parties.csv Ridings.csv ReservedParties.csv UnregisteredParties.csv > Parties-Ridings.html

searchassistant.html : candidates.csv ../csv2candidates-search.awk
	../csv2candidates-search.awk candidates.csv > searchassistant.html

.PHONY : rsync
rsync :
	rsync -av --delete ./	        irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/2023-Provincial-Byelection-Kitchener/
	rsync -av --delete ../images/ irving:/home/jonkman/public_html/Poliblog-Elections/images/

# EOF: makefile


7 files processed.